Exhibitions exploring the Undoc+ Spectrum and Undocumented Diaspora
Curated by Formerly Undocumented Curator Erika Hirugami
Un Libro de Familia by Elizabeth Z. Pineda
Queerteñx: Trans Fronterizes / Cuir Transnationalism (Laband Gallery, LMU, CA)
Recordar | Anhelar (Dalton Gallery, Agnes Scott College, GA)
Entre Nos • 우리는 서로 • Sa’tin–sa’tin lang • Amongst Ourselves (Visible Records, VA)
Pertenecer | Encarnar (Ruffin Gallery, UVA, VA)
Undocumentedness: An Ecology of Dancing Fences
Desterrando Archivos | Unearthing Archives (Galeria Tiro Al Blanco GDL-MX)
Coalesce (UCF Art Gallery, FL)

On Their Backs: Latinx Labor in the U.S. (Foca Gallery, CA)

Transcendental Convergence (Marcas Gallery, CA)
Consulado Mobil (Museum of Latin American Art, CA)