Photograph by Mercedes Zapata
Values • Mission • Vision
Every immigrant, migrant, refugee, exile, and undoc+ artist and arts professional is an essential part of the creative industries of the contemporary art world. CuratorLove is a social impact enterprise seeking an equitable environment where this vibrant and diverse community can not only survive but thrive. Their voices, experiences, and cultural contributions are vital to shaping contemporary narratives yet often remain unheard.
As a transnational first-generation Mexican-Japanese immigrant, formerly undocumented, I founded CuratorLove to center the needs of my people and utilize the tools of the contemporary art world to secure resources for my community.
At CuratorLove, we advocate, support, champion, produce, curate, research, exhibit, and aid in creating projects by intergenerational undoc+, migrant, immigrant, exile, and refugee artists and art creatives via thoughtful exhibitions, innovative programming, and impactful research colliding aesthetic theory and immigration and migration policy and politics providing a critical lens through which to examine the role of art in social change.
Erika Hirugami, MA. MAAB. MPhil.
Founder & CEO of CuratorLove