Origins & Displacements
On Making Sense of Place, Histories & Possibilities
The artworks by William Camargo address issues of gentrification, Chicanx/Latinx histories in a city, and the systemic erasure of Brown people through the use of counter-narratives that amplify and extirpate hegemonic structures in local city narratives. Using photography, installation, political public performances, community archiving, and his role as an arts-based educator, Camargo negotiates the legacies and disempowerment of Brown people in his hometown of Anaheim, California.
Camargo responds to found archives of the city through a historical art praxis that manifests as series-based artworks and strategies that address geographic place. Working with historically underrepresented narratives means dealing with the effects of systematic erasure, and implementing a critical pedagogical approach with room for further investigation of forgotten stories. By using hyperlocal histories, legacies, and contemporary news stories, He confront and challenges social constructs that are placed upon a city with historically racist policies and ideologies…
Full Artist Statement • William Camargo • Artwork Checklist • Artist Biography
Artworks shown here are Camargo’s MFA Thesis exhibition, which would have taken place at CGU in 2020.
Yo, There is a Bunch of Brown Folks On This Side!
We Gunna Have to Move Out Soon Fam!
Dam, I Can’t Go On This Side of the Park?
Ya’ll Forget Who Worked Here?
Elizabeth and Daughter
About Half A Mile From Disneyland
Chicanx Domestic Still Life #5
Chicanx Outside Still Life #1
After Stephen Shore but in Penquin City and Paisa